Its been a while and I apologize. Just because you haven't seen anything in quite sometime, it doesn't mean that we aren't doing anything. In fact, it is just the opposite. For the past month I have been taking everyday off of school that I can in order to go kayaking and we have gotten on some awesome rivers, with tons of water. Some of the footage is unreal, and will be in the film I am directing, Empire, which is set to debut at the end of the year.
The Black River
Brian filming me on Big Brother. The Black was around 20,000 CFS.

Awesome shot from the GoPro of me doing a backstab on Big Brother.

Inner City is one of the best waves in the Northeast.

Knife's Was unbelievable at 36,000 CFS. We talked a lot about running it, but unfortunately no one stepped up to the plate. Mary's was a gigantic hole that led directly into a wall from an old dam.

Paul and Jim looking at the giant curler that feeds into Mary's.
The Oswegatchie River

Tony and I on the entrance to Rainbow Falls.

Ciaran running Rainbow Falls. There is a great section of river above this drop, but since the road was closed it would have added on a 5 mile hike.

Tony Gianfagna styling Sluice Falls on Section 4 of the Oswegatchie. This is one of my favorite rapids in the Adirondacks.

When professional author Phil LaMarche isn't writing, he enjoys quiet bubble baths in the solitude of the Adirondack Mountains.
The Grass River

My view as I drop into Large Marge.

It was cold and rainy when Phil, Mike and myself put on the Grass. I had to hold a t-shirt over the camera to keep it dry.

Me giving the thumbs up after a high water run on Large Marge.

Tony got messed up in the slot and flipped at the top of Marge, but made it left with a sick line.
Stay tuned. The footage is sick.