Black Fest is something that I look forward to every year. I will go right out and say that there is absolutely no summer kayaking festival that can match this event. Good playspots, awesome river, waterfalls, fantastic music, boatercross, floateo, and more. If you have never been, well, I feel sorry for you.
On Friday night, Tom Vickery and Brett Finlayson, claimed a rafting first descent on Great Falls in downtown Watertown.Carly and I took the Topo Duo down for her first time in Poop Chute. Little does he know, Mike LaFlair (yellow magnum) is about to be landed on by Phil LaMarche and Al Baker (blue Topo Duo). These boys know how to win a floateo.The pool bus was not only a big hit in the floateo, but it made its way into the Gramps and Tramps party.Start Making Sense (Talking Heads tribute band) put on an amazing show, as always. Big shoutouts to Bagel, Duggan, and everyone else at Hudson River Rafting. I have yet to find a place that is as hospitable as these guys. Also, big thanks to Kenny for letting me steal all of his wonderful pictures.
Kayaking has pretty much taken over my life since I was 9 years old. Here I will share pictures, videos, and stories about the different rivers and cultures that I experience as I travel.
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